How to set your brand apart in a crowded marketplace

Have you noticed that it’s pretty hard to come up with an original offering these days? Whether you’re selling personalised cupcake, epic event planning skills, or imposing order on chaotic pantries – you’re unlikely to be the only person doing it. Twenty years...

How Gen Z is raising the bar for brand communications

In part one of our two-part series on authenticity, we’re looking at why authenticity has become such an important factor in brand communications. In Part two, we’ll talk about what this means in terms of your brand’s communication strategy: How do you demonstrate...

Why your business needs a brand strategy

Whether you’re a start-up itching to be first out of the gate with your new tech or a business that’s already operating but not gaining traction, here’s the deal: You need a brand strategy. You need a brand strategy even if you’re already selling your product, even if...